10 Pruning Tips for Healthy Plant

Make clean cuts with sharp pruning shears or loppers. Poor tools destroy plants and spread illness.

1. Use Clean, Sharp Tools

Plant growth tendencies must be understood for proper trimming. Know if a plant flowers on old or new growth and prune accordingly.

2. Plant Growth Habit

Plant kind determines pruning season. Dormant deciduous trees and shrubs should be pruned, whereas spring-blooming plants should be pruned after blossoming.

3. When to prune

Check your plants for dead or unhealthy branches and remove them immediately. This enhances the plant's beauty and avoids disease.

4. Remove Diseased or Dead Wood

Reduce crowded or crossed branches to optimize plant ventilation. Good airflow lowers fungal infections and improves plant health.

5. Promote airflow

Dead, damaged, or diseased branches should be pruned—the "Three Ds" rule helps plants stay healthy and inhibits disease transmission.

6. Think Three Ds

Enhance the plant's natural shape by pruning. This enhances light and airflow while creating an attractive form.

7. Aesthetic and structural shape

Disinfect pruning equipment between cuts, especially on bacterial or fungal-prone plants. This aids pathogen control.

8. Consider Bacterial 

Trimming is beneficial, but too much might stress the plant. Use careful pruning to balance plant health and appearance.

9. Avoid Overpruning

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