9 Things You Should Never Do To Your Lawn

Overwatering: Excessive watering can lead to waterlogged soil, root rot, and fungal diseases, so it's important to water your lawn only when necessary.

Mowing too short: Cutting the grass too short can weaken the grass roots, making the lawn more susceptible to pests, diseases, and drought.

Ignoring soil health: Neglecting soil health can result in poor grass growth and nutrient deficiencies, so it's essential to aerate, fertilize, and maintain proper soil pH levels.

Using dull mower blades: Dull mower blades tear grass instead of cleanly cutting it, leading to brown tips and increased vulnerability to diseases.

Overfertilizing: Applying too much fertilizer can burn the grass, cause excessive growth, and harm the environment by leaching nutrients into waterways.

Using chemicals excessively: Overusing pesticides and herbicides can harm beneficial insects, pollute water sources, and create resistant weed strains.

Allowing thatch buildup: Excessive thatch prevents water, air, and nutrients from reaching the grass roots, leading to poor lawn health and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases.

Compacting soil: Heavy foot traffic and machinery can compact soil, restricting root growth and water infiltration, so it's important to aerate regularly to alleviate compaction.