Caitlin Clark was taunted by Angel Reese, now she'll meet 2 Louisiana legends on ManningCast

Iowa women's basketball player Caitlin Clark gained notoriety in Louisiana after LSU's Angel Reese made fun of her during the 2023 national championship game.

On Monday night's ManningCast on ESPN2, Peyton Manning and Eli Manning—two more Louisiana legends—will speak with Clark, seven months after Clark's team lost the national title to LSU.

Clark is scheduled to be interviewed on Monday night during the Philadelphia Eagles vs. Kansas City Chiefs game, a major NFL matchup.

Clark, a devoted Chiefs supporter, will field queries from the two native New Orleanians, who are renowned for their humorous interviews.

Reese faced criticism at first, but following the contentious moment during the national championship game, Clark spoke forth in support of the LSU standout.

On Monday, the ManningCast will begin at 7 p.m. and feature an appearance by NFL legend Michael Vick.

