Fertilizer Fundamentals For Feeding Your Garden

1. Soil Testing

Start with a soil test to determine pH and nutrient content. This identifies insufficient nutrients and helps choose fertilizer.

2. Plant Nutrient Needs

Plants have different nutrient needs. Understand your garden plants' needs to provide them the right nutrients in the right amounts.

3. Types Of Fertilizers

Organic, synthetic, and slow-release fertilizers are the main categories. Natural organic fertilizers increase soil structure. Specific nutrients are enriched in synthetic fertilizers. Slow-release fertilizers release nutrients gradually.

4. N-P-K Ratio

The packaging's N-P-K ratio shows that fertilizers contain nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Different plants need different ratios. Leafy vegetables need more nitrogen (N), whereas flowering plants need more phosphorus (P).

5. Fertiliser Timing

 Match fertilizer timing to plant growth. Some fertilizers need be applied before planting, while others at specific growth phases.

6. Follow Instructions

Always read and follow fertilizer product instructions. Over-fertilizing burns roots and causes nutritional imbalances, while under-fertilizing stunts growth.

7. Even Distribution

Spread fertilizer evenly on the soil or around plant bases. This gives all plants equal nourishment.

8. Garden Watering

Water after fertilizer application. This dissolves fertilizer and transports nutrients to the root zone for plant absorption.

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