Cells need nutrients to develop and function. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are crucial for cell growth and energy transfer.
Plants convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, which requires nutrients. Chlorophyll, which absorbs light, requires magnesium and iron.
Nutrition helps roots grow, allowing plants to attach in the soil and absorb water and minerals.
Flowers, fruits, and seeds need good nutrition. Micronutrients like boron and zinc help produce flowers and fruits.
Well-nourished plants can endure drought, pests, and diseases. Adequate nutrition strengthens plant tissues and boosts pathogen defense.
Silicon and potassium boost plant disease resistance. They strengthen cell membranes and activate defenses.
Nutritional cofactors for metabolic enzymes are numerous. Plant growth depends on enzymes catalyzing biological reactions.
Plants receive soil nutrients through their roots. Plants need adequate nourishment to absorb and transfer nutrients. Healthy roots absorb nutrients well.
Nutrient availability affects photosynthetic efficiency. A balanced nutrient supply helps plants convert sunlight into energy and flourish.