Tips For Properly Watering Your Plant

Plants' water needs vary by species, size, and environment. Find out what each garden plant needs. 

1. Each Plant's Watering Needs 

Water plants early morning or late afternoon when it's cooler. Evaporation is reduced and plants absorb moisture more efficiently.

2. Water on Time

Focus watering on the roots. Wet foliage promotes fungal diseases, so avoid overhead watering.

3. Water roots

Choose well-draining soil for plants to avoid waterlogging. Root rot and other difficulties might result from compacted soil.

4.  Use Right Soil

Use organic mulch around plant bases to conserve soil moisture, regulate temperature, and control weeds. Mulching reduces water loss.

5. Mulch Around Plants

Thoroughly watering promotes deep root growth. Deep watering helps plants survive dry seasons by allowing roots to get water from lower soil levels.

6. Deep Water

Regularly check soil moisture before watering. Put your finger in the soil and water if it feels dry an inch down. Avoid overwatering to prevent root issues.

7. Check Soil Moisture

Seasonally adjust your irrigation schedule. Dormant or cooler months require less water than hot, vigorous growing months.

8. Seasonally adjust watering 

Plants need extra care after transplanting. Water them more often until they grow strong roots.

9. Watering New Plants

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